Aluminum wheels can become damaged very quickly. A simple mistake when parallel parking can permanently damage a very expensive aluminum wheel. Even worse, multiple alloy wheels can become permanently damaged in an automobile accident. We can help you with Corvette Aluminum Wheel Repair.
Alloy wheel repair is the best option for damaged aluminum wheels.
Historically, these permanently damaged wheels were replaced with expensive reproduction aluminum wheels. These reproduction wheels never accurately matched the existing factory installed aluminum wheels. As a result, the owner was stuck with a repaired car with mis-matched wheels. If the car or suv was leased, the leasee might have had a financial surprise when turning the car in at lease end.
Mis-matched alloy wheels or incorrectly repaired aluminum wheels are now a thing of the past.
We have the technology to use a state of the art machine to refinish most alloy wheels which were originally created with a factory machined finish. A machined finish can be seen on many high end alloy wheels with the appearance that is similar to the tiny grooves that you would see on a vintage vinyl album.
Although the image below is not a Corvette aluminum wheel, it offers you a good look at the machined finish that we can restore onto your aluminum wheels.
If you look closely at this image, you will see a series of fine lines that are machined into the top layer of aluminum of this particular alloy wheel. This image is only being use as an example to visually depict what a machine finish on an alloy wheel looks like. Most of the automobile manufacturers offer high end machined alloy wheels on many of their models. This machine finish is present not only on the rim of the aluminum wheels, but it is often found on the top surfaces of the designs of the aluminum wheels. Many times the machined finish is placed as a contrast to the recessed area of the alloy wheel which is painted in a shade of silver or black.
How we can help:
Our state of the art machinery can correctly refinish most alloy wheels that have unfortunately been damaged. The alloy wheels are refinished to a factory appearance.
We have high end machinery that the other guys don’t have!
Many machined alloy wheels are no longer available from their manufacturers. These aluminum wheels can be restored to their factory appearance at a low cost. Avoid replacing them with non matching aftermarket wheels, or with incorrectly repaired used wheels.
Many of the wheels on this site have been discontinued and are no longer available from their manufacturers. They have become extremely difficult to locate in the used wheel networks. Many times, certain factory machined alloy wheels are no longer available from traditional part sources.
We are not limited to only Corvette Aluminum Wheel Repair. Our machines are capable of repairing or restoring other machined aluminum wheels. Restore your factory machined alloy wheels to an original appearance with our state of the art machinery.
Click on any of the wheels above to see the finish that we can provide for you.
See more on our Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Corvette, Mercedes AMG, and Porsche pages.
The images used on this site are examples to display typical machined finishes.
We do not straighten bent alloy wheels or structurally damaged alloy wheels.
Our machines can refinish cosmetically aged or wheels with curb rash damage.
Please contact us to let us know how we can better serve you.
Thank you for visiting our site!
Corvette Aluminum Wheel Repair